A Typical Day in Preschool

A typical day at St Christopher’s Preschool may include:

8.30 Welcome into the classroom and free choice of activities.

8.40 Carpet time including register time, an introduction to the day including going through the visual timetable to see what we will be doing.

A short phonics session

Some child initiated learning involving free choice of activities covering the 7 areas of learning. Eg Small world play, construction, mark-making, puzzles, painting, messy play, craft activities.

9.00 or 9.30 A specialist lesson which takes place in the Music room, Drama room or Main Hall (PE).

10.05 Play time in the playground with bikes and scooters, slide, climbing equipment, bats and balls, large construction equipment, play house and other outdoor activities.

10.35 Snack time.

Followed by Story time

11.00 Child initiated learning involving free choice of activities covering the 7 areas of learning. Eg Small world play, construction, mark-making, puzzles, painting, messy play, craft activities.

Singing or a story.

Putting on coats.

12.10 Home time

If children are staying for the afternoon session

Lunch time

Outside playtime

Free activities

3.00 Home time

Open Mornings

Our next open event:

Tuesday 24th September 10:30-12:00

Wednesday 16th October 10:30-12:00

Tuesday 12th November 10:30-12:00

Wednesday 27th November 10:30-12:00

Please book in for one of our Open Mornings. There will be a talk from the Head, a tour by current pupils and a chance to chat over coffee with governors, staff and other parents.

Find out more

The Reception and 7+ Assessment

We are taking applications for places in our Reception classes and Year 3 classes for September 2024,

For further details please contact our Admissions Registrar via admissions@stchristophersthehall