A Typical Day in Pre Prep

A typical day in St Christopher’s Reception and Pre Prep may include:

8.30 Carpet time including register time, an introduction to the day going through the visual timetable to see what we will be doing.

8.45 – 9.00 Form Time and Assembly Tuesday to Friday.

9.00 – 9.20 Phonics session across Lower School

9.20 – 10.40 English and Maths in class.

10-40 -11.10 – Playtime on the Lower School playground

11.10 – 11.50 – Humanities.

11.50 – 12.30 – PE with specialist teachers.

12.20 – 1.30 – Lunch

1.30 – 1.50 – Silent reading in class.

1.50 – 2.50 – Reception – child initiated learning – Free choice of activities covering the 7 areas of learning. Eg small world play, construction, role play, puzzles, painting, messy play, craft activities.

Year 1 and 2 – Art/Humanities/Computing.

2.50 – 3.10 – Class story

3.10 – 3.15 – Getting ready to go home.

Open Mornings

Our next open event:

Tuesday 24th September 10:30-12:00

Wednesday 16th October 10:30-12:00

Tuesday 12th November 10:30-12:00

Wednesday 27th November 10:30-12:00

Please book in for one of our Open Mornings. There will be a talk from the Head, a tour by current pupils and a chance to chat over coffee with governors, staff and other parents.

Find out more

The Reception and 7+ Assessment

We are taking applications for places in our Reception classes and Year 3 classes for September 2024,

For further details please contact our Admissions Registrar via admissions@stchristophersthehall