
Visit from Mexicolore

17th June 2022

After a two year absence, Mexicolore returned to St Christopher’s last Friday for their 15th visit to the School. For a few hours, the Years 4s and 6s were taken back in time to learn about the Aztec and Mayan culture. Ian Mursell, the Director of the company, has the most amazing knowledge of the…

Year 5 – Bowles Trip

9th June 2022

Last half term, Year 5 were lucky enough to venture to Bowles for their residential trip. Even though it was wet, all the children had a marvellous time taking on many challenges including skiing, rock climbing, kayaking, orienteering and team ropes. The children were outstanding ambassadors for the school and they thoroughly enjoyed every moment.

Mental Health Workshop

26th May 2022

Fantastic Fred Workshop Last Friday, children from Reception to Year 6 were entertained by “the Professor” and Fantastic Fred to remind us of why it is important to look after our mental health and how we can do this. We learnt that FRED was an acronym for Food, Rest, Exercise, Devices. Having a healthy mind…

Year 4

19th May 2022

Year 4 take to the Water!! On Friday, Year 4 walked to Beckenham Place Park to take part in a workshop on Rivers, organised by the Field Study Centre based at the park. They learned about the general features of rivers and designed experiments to observe how the River Ravensbourne behaved and changed along its…

News Title

19th May 2022

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce maximus nunc maximus elementum ornare. Aliquam quis condimentum nisi, rutrum pretium odio. Sed posuere nec dolor a congue. Ut lectus mi, porta auctor efficitur quis, vehicula ut ipsum. Morbi sagittis et risus et scelerisque. Curabitur egestas urna ac est suscipit, et posuere velit convallis. Suspendisse varius…

Year 3 Residential

13th May 2022

Last week, our Year 3 went to their residential at Frylands Wood Scout Outdoor Centre, in Croydon. This is what our Year 3 had to say about the experience: Please enter some content for your news story her Year 3 Residential Trip to Frylands Last week, I went to Frylands Wood Scout centre. It was…

Receptions Giant Turnip!

4th May 2022

The Giant Turnip! This week, Reception has been looking at the book ‘The Gigantic Turnip’. The children came up with some very inventive ways that we could try to get the turnip out of the ground. We then made our very own batch of ‘Turnip Stew’ and the children worked together to write a set…

Year 5 writing

28th April 2022

Take an peek at this amazing writing from our Year 5s Over the past few weeks, Year 5 have been studying a book called ‘The Promise’ by Nicola Davies. They have had the opportunity to write free verse poetry, improve and edit parts of the story using figurative language, write in role, describe contrasting settings,…

St Christopher’s The Hall House Tournaments Spring 2022

31st March 2022

Two awesome House Tournaments were seen over the last few weeks. All competed with pride and honour, enthusiasm, determination and the love of sport were the key aspects. Well done Campbell, double winners. Thank you to Miss Atkinson and Miss Steeden. HOUSE HOCKEY 1ST CAMPBELL = 40 PTS 2ND HILLARY = 30 PTS 3RD BLYTON…

Carol Service

10th December 2021

Listen again to our Christmas Carol Service. Well done to all the children for a wonderful carol service and thanks to St. George’s Church for their hospitality. We hope you enjoy listening to this audio recording of the service. You can listen here: Running order 00:00 Orchestra – Once in Royal David’s City 02:40 Introduction…

Open Mornings

Our next open event:

Wednesday 19th March 10:30-12:00

Please book in for one of our Open Mornings. There will be a talk from the Head, a tour by current pupils and a chance to chat over coffee with governors, staff and other parents.

Find out more


Preschool Stay and Play afternoon:

Friday 14th February –  (1.30pm – 2.30pm),

Thursday 27th March – (1.30pm – 2.30pm).


The Reception Assessment (4+)

Date for your diary: Friday 21st March


7+ Assessment

Date for your diary: Monday 24th March


We are now taking applications for places in our Reception classes and Year 3 classes for September 2025.

If you are interested in your child attending any of these events, or require further details, please contact the Registrar, Mrs. Janet Jeffery via admissions@stchristophersthehall.org.uk or call on 0208 650 2200.