There are three main entry points into the School; Preschool, Reception and occasional places higher up in the School.
Entry to our Preschool takes place at the start of the academic year (September) in which the pupil will turn 4 years old.
The children attend for 5 mornings a week, with an option of up to 5 additional afternoons.
Places in the Preschool are offered following a visit to the School and a meeting with the Headteacher. It is anticipated that the majority of pupils in the Preschool will then move through into one of our Reception classes.
We also have a limited number of places available in Reception to children who have not been through our Preschool. These places are offered following a play-based assessment which takes place in December and April, prior to the September start.
Occasionally, we may be able to offer places further up the School. We would encourage parents to come and look around the School at an Open Morning if they are considering this (see our Open Morning section for more information). After visiting , if you wish to pursue an application for your child, we will invite them to spend the day with us in school, take part in the daily curricular activities, and complete an assessment. There will also be an opportunity for parents to meet with the Head to discuss hopes and aspirations for your child’s education.
Admission to the School is subject to the standard terms and conditions.
For further information please contact the Registrar: