Our chosen school charity this year, ECHO (Evelina Children’s Heart Organisation), has seen us collect money from many events such as the Easter Egg competition; Year 3 and 4 concerts; the Lower School and KG Nativity and our Penny Post at Christmas.
On Monday, we welcomed back Sinead from ECHO to our ‘Teamwork’ assembly. She wanted to thank us as a school for our support and all our efforts in raising money for her charity. We were excited to present her with a cheque for £1273.31. Since Monday, we have also raised a further £181.70 from the Year 5 and 6 performances of ‘Alice in Wonderland’. This means that we will be able to give ECHO a total amount of £1455. 21.
Thank you to everyone for your continued support for all our charities and we look forward to our new Year 6 cohort participating in the selection process for our chosen charity, next year.