All members of the St Christopher’s community appreciate how fortunate they are and we place high importance on being grateful for what we all have and thinking about others who are less fortunate than ourselves.
Throughout the year, we support and raise monies for a variety of National initiatives such as Children in Need, NSPCC number day, Hello Yellow- Young Minds, Read for Good- Pyjamarama, Red Nose Day as well as supporting our local food bank at Harvest time and St George’s church Beckenham at Christmas.
In addition to this, we nominate an annual charity at the beginning of the year. This is chosen democratically by the whole school community. Our Year 6 cohort are responsible for researching these charities and creating presentations, during their computing lessons, to present to their peers. The Year 6 vote internally on their top three choices and these charities are then presented eloquently by the Year 6 children in a whole school assembly. The school community then votes for their favourite charity. A different charity is selected each year and is often of a personal interest to members of our community. We invite our chosen charity into a school assembly at the end of the year to present a cheque for the amount we have raised as a school community.
In 2021, we supported and raised £2,300 for ECHO (Evelina Children’s Heart Organisation).
Money is raised via a number of initiatives such as retiring collections after school plays and concerts, Year 6 running a Penny Post service for the school at Christmas and holding an Easter Egg decorating competition.
We also have a strong global link with the charity ‘Hope4Malawi’. In the past we have fully furnished a school library for Mpemba primary school, as well as donating our old school minibuses to this charity. We continue to send books and good quality second hand uniform that we no longer need that are relevant and appropriate for Malawian school children.